1.0 Rationale
The Code of Conduct will reflect the values of a supportive, friendship network of women and is respectful of the voices of all its members. Members will abide and support the decisions of the Board.

1.1- Club members will conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all Member social events, meetings or activity groups
1.2- Club members will refrain from any form of racist or sexist remarks or discriminatory behaviour
1.3 Club members will not use any derogatory terms to refer to any other person or group

2.0 Policy Statement
2.1 The Ottawa Newcomers Club has a zero tolerance policy for:
* any behavior deemed detrimental to another member of the Club
* unwelcome conduct, intimidating, or offensive behaviour
2.2 This policy also extends to comments and photos on the ONC Facebook page

3.0 Policy Procedure
3.1 Issues or complaints regarding a member should be brought to the attention of the convenor
3.2 The convenor will bring the infraction to the attention of the Vice President who, in turn, will notify the President
3.3 The Vice President and President will request an in-person meeting with the noted member within 14 days
3.4 In the event the member does not respond or agree to a meeting, their membership will be suspended
3.5 Membership may be reinstated, subject to an acceptable resolution
3.6 If resolution is not achieved, the ONC Board, as a whole, will evaluate to determine the final outcome.

March 10, 2025

Public Area

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